Tania Fuentes is the Founder and CEO of the Dvine Konektion Community Development Corporation. She has been a public servant for over 24 years and serves as a Housing Commissioner in the town of West New York. In 2008 she established this Community Development Corporation with the vision of bringing healing and empowerment to her local communities. Tania is particularly interested in helping at-risk youth and seniors while striving to help, encourage, and build each individual up through the various resources Dvine Konektions provides.
Throughout the years, Tania has won various awards for her dedication towards helping the communities. These awards include, West New York's "Woman of the Year" in 2016, Spirit Leader of the Year in 2017, Rotary International Service Award in 2018 and more while also receiving State recognition for her community involvement. In a short amount of time, Tania has been able to serve thousands of people within the North Hudson County communities, laboring hand-in-hand with local officials, state agencies, non-profits and local schools to bring much needed change. She is also the Founder and President of an LLC.